Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Operational Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Operational Scenario - Essay Example In a focus on justice criterion, rules are imposed and enforced fairly and impartially so that there is equal distribution of costs and benefits among individuals, also protects the interests of the less powerful and underrepresented individuals (Livingstone 2009). Thus, the best ethical decision criteria that can be used in addressing the problems within the prison would be a focus on justice criterion. This is because using justice criterion protects the interests of the less powerful and the underrepresented individual. Justice criterion is best in protecting the inmates from the prison staff. The first group view shows that the prison staff uses punitive approach toward the inmate population. This shows that the inmates are been abused by the staff, which could be the reason why there has been a lot gang-related violence in the prisons. It is also clear that racial identity is the biggest problem among the prison staff. Hence, use of the focusing on justice criterion would ensure there is equal distribution of duties and responsibilities among the staff without regards to race. However, focusing on justice criterion can affect productivity and innovation because it encourages a sense of entitlement that reduces the ability of an individual to take risks. 2. Within a prison, performance and social arrangement norms are likely to be norms that reinforce consistency among staff. How is this likely to affect overall job satisfaction? What effect will it have on employees who are not conforming in personality? In every organization e.g. a prison, it is crucial to have group norms in order to ensure productivity and development of the organization. As stated by Chevalier (2007), norms are acceptable or unacceptable standards of behavior that are shared by all members in a group. They are mainly created in order to facilitate group survival, avoid embarrassing situations, make behavior of individuals more predictable, and to express the values of the group. The pe rformance norms determine how group members should be engaged in their work i.e. how quickly they should work and produce (Livingstone 2009). Their main purpose is to govern levels of individual effort. The social arrangement norms are created in order to influence the informal social interactions within a group such as meeting after work social groups or lunch social groups. Thus, these norms are likely to promote overall job satisfaction and productivity within a prison. According to Daft and Marcic (2008), performance norms promote cohesiveness which is essential for productivity of the group. The cohesiveness and productivity of a group depends on the performance norms. For instance, if the performance norms are high, a group will be more cohesive and productive, but if the performance norms are low, productivity will also be low. As stated by Robbins and Judge (2010), individuals who conform to group norms experience more positive emotions due to conformity; hence result to pos itive work attitude and job satisfaction. Moreover, the social arrangement norms enhance day to day interaction of the prison staff, the supervisors and the inmates; thus, promoting job satisfaction. What effect will it have on employees who are not conforming in personality? The personality of an employee determines how they behave, think and feel about their job satisfaction or jobs. The attitudes of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Current Strategic Potential Essay Example for Free
Current Strategic Potential Essay The strategic potential of an enterprise (SPE) depends on the ability of an enterprise to take into account and properly assess both the internal and external conditions of its activities (Ginevicius et al. 2010). This means to know the strategic potential of an organisation, in other words ‘what it can do’, one has to analyse how different environments can be more or less rich in opportunities or hostile and how organisational capabilities ( resources and competences) can enable or constrain strategies. This essay will examine which information tools are necessary to assess the current strategic potential of Lufthansa. A globally leading aviation group focusing on the core competencies of its five business areas: Passenger Airline Group, Logistics, MRO, Catering and IT Services. The ability to analyse and evaluate the external conditions (environment) internal conditions (capabilities) is a complex phenomenon and dependent of an organisation’s activities and usage of appropriate tools. The essay will argue that for an organisation like Lufthansa with global presence and complex operations, to assess external environment PESTEL whereas for diagnosing strategic capabilities Value chain Value network are the most appropriate tools. Due to the reason that Lufthansa is an internationally operating organisation it faces international challenges. These international challenges govern as well the internal organisation as the external environment. The external environment has huge impacts on the Lufthansa. To conduct external environment analysis of Lufthansa it is essential to have information about the company, its financials, operations, global network, Strategy statement, Markets customer segment research studies, information about alliances partnerships, Flight Schedules/Routes, Environmental challenges / studies ( e.g. Noise pollution, energy consumption controls related information), Fleet information (type aging of fleets), Competitor comparison reports, Legislation and regulations ( e.g. preferential airport rights if any) and Customer satisfaction studies. When it comes to select the tools for external environment analysis, there are quite few tools / technique available but two major / widely used to ol / techniques are PESTEL Porter’s Five forces. However use of PESTEL provides a wide overview reveal threats and opportunities presented e.g. by technological changes (i.e. fuel efficient engines, airframes, internet) or shift in market demographic, legal issues such as restriction on mergers, political such as security controls etc. PESTEL analysis helps to uncover issues likely to have major impact upon the future of the industry, regions or markets. The identification of the key drivers in macro environment changes help focus on what is most important and can be used to construct scenarios of alternative possible future. PESTLE-analysis tries to make the future more comprehensible and predictable though we have to take into account that future is something which cannot be forecasted, as unpredictable events might occur.Porter’s five forces framework which helps identify the attractiveness of an industry in terms of five competitive forces is another option to analyse external environment. However to be used carefully as not necessarily complete even at the industrial level for example, * Defining the â€Å"right†industry, most industries can be analysed at different levels e.g. different markets and even different segments within them e.g. airline industry has different geographical markets (Europe, Middle East, China etc.) with different segments (leisure, business freight). The competitive forces are different for each of these markets so must be analysed separately * Converging industries, definition of industry is too difficult because of continuous change of boundaries e.g. high tech area is converging. * Complementary organisation, analysts argue that industry analyses needs to include ‘sixth force’ due to the organisation that are complementary rather than competitors. An example is Microsoft Windows software and McAfee each is better because of others. Complementarity implies a significance shift in perspective. While Porter’s five forces sees organisations as battling against other for share of industry value, whereas complementors may cooperate to increase the total value available. Others tools / techniques for external environment analysis such as Strategic group analysis, market segment analysis and the strategy canvases. These tools / techniques covers only the inner layer of the environment and help identify strategic gaps or opportunities thus misses the wider view of external environment for a company such as Lufthansa, thus may not be considered for analysis of Lufthansa.Strategic capabilities of an organisation contribute to its long term survival or competitive advantage. Two components of Strategic capability are ‘resources’ (what an organisation has) which includes physical, financial and humans resources and ‘competence’ (what it does well) how well these resources are deployed. The tools / techniques available to diagnose organisational capabilities includes, * Benchmarking, means to understand the relative performance of organisation * The Value chain and Value network, to understand how value to a customer is created and can be developed * Activity mapping, means of identifying more detailed activities which underpin strategic capabilities * SWOT, summarises the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats likely to impact on strategy developmentTo diagnose Lufthansa’s capabilities (Resources competencies) ‘the Value chain Value network’ is more appropriate tool/ technique. As it helps to understand the Lufthansa’s primary and secondary activities and how company strive to achieve competitive advantage by delivering value to the customer. The value chain can be used to diagnose and create competitive advantages on both cost and differentiation. The value chain is also beneficial to understand the strategic position as ‘generic description of activities’ help managers understand if there is a cluster of activities providing benefit to customer located within particular area of value chain. It also support analyzing competitive position of the organisation using VRIN ( Value, Rarity, inimitability, Non substitutability) criteria, further value chain helps to anaylse the cost and value of the of the activities. Since Lufthansa is part of wider value network (i.e. inter-organizational links relationship to create a product or services) it will further helps to understand the strategic position of the organisation. Other tools / techniques available to assess the capabilities of Lufthansa / organisation may not be able to stand simply because the value chain can be used to diagnose and create competitive advantages on both cost and differentiation. Whereas Benchmarking is limited to comparing input output or outcomes and dose not identify the reason for relative performance in terms of underlying capabilities. Benchmarking may also lead to measurement distortions which mean you get what you measure. Activity mapping useful it is the danger is that, in seeking to explain capabilities underpinning their strategy managers may identify capabilities as too abstract a level. SWOT on the other hand may produce long list of strength weakness opportunities and threat so prioritization remains an issue, it may be used as a summary not as a substitute of analysis, it also lacks of specificity thus making value chain value network analysis more authentic to produce the needed analysis. To understand what kind of information is essential to conduct such analysis it’s important to draw a value chain map of the organisation. Below table is a representation of the value chain of an airline and give fair idea of the information needed for such an analysis. Conclusion,To assess the strategic potential PESTEL (for external environment), Value chain Value network (to diagnose strategic capabilities) tools / techniques are the most appropriate. With PESTEL broad macro environment of the organisation in terms of political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factor is analysed. This leads to identification of key drivers in macro-environment which are used to construct alternative scenarios with regard to environmental changes. The strategic capabilities which provide competitive advantage on the basis of their value, rarity, inimitability and non-substitutability (VRIN) are diagnosed through Value chain Value network analysis. Thus considering international nature of Lufthansa operations and global presence both tools (PESTEL Value chain Value network) to be used to assess its strategic potential.| References, Johnson, G, Whittington, R, Scholes, Kevan 2011, Exploring Strategy,9th edn, Pearson Education Limited, England Richard J. Speed, 1989Oh Mr Porter! A Re-Appraisal of Competitive Strategy, Marketing Intelligence Planning, Vol. 7 Iss: 5 pp. 8 – 11 Permanent link to this document: Rainer Feurer, Kazem Chaharbaghi, (1997),Strategy development: past, present and future, raining for Quality, Vol. 5 Iss: 2 pp. 58 70 Permanent link to this document: Joan Magretta, (2012),Michael Porter answers managers FAQs, Strategy Leadership, Vol. 40 Iss: 2 pp.11 – 15 Permanent link to this document: G. Anand, Rambabu Kodali, (2008),Benchmarking the benchmarking models, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 15 Iss: 3 pp. 257 291 Permanent link to this document: Brian Leavy, (2003),Assessing your strategic alternatives from both a market position and core competence perspective, Strategy Leadership, Vol. 31 Iss: 6 pp. 29 35 Permanent link to this document: Ginevicius, R, Podvezko, V, Nototny, M Komka, A, 2012, Comprehensive quantitative evaluation of the strategic potential of an enterprize, Economic Computation Economic Cybernetics Studies Research, vol.46, no.1, pp. 65-84 Kavanah, P Hisrich, RD, 2010, The relationship between the quality of the idea and the strategic potential of a new venture; a longitudinal study of five Irish campus companies, Managing Global transitions: International research Journal, vol.8, no. 3, pp. 261-284 Steven T. Walsh Jonathan D. Linton (2001): The Competence Pyramid: A Framework for Identifying and Analysing Firm and Industry Competence, Technology Analysis Strategic Management, 13:2,165-177
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The French Revolution :: essays research papers
The French Revolution had many causes. According to the historian, French people revolted because they were, â€Å"intelligent, free, and prosperous to be critical of the existing conditions.†In other words, this historian is saying that the people of France knew what was going on in their country. I agree with this historian and this quote. There were conditions that existed in France the people were aware of. The ideas of the Enlightenment, social classes, and tax system contributed to the French Revolution. The French Revolution was based mostly on the Third Estate’s desire to obtain liberty and equality.      The third estate (made up ninety-eight percent of the population) was the people who wanted to be equal to the nobles and clergy. The clergy and nobles made up the First and Second Estate. They first two estates had overruling power in the government than the Third Estate. This was one of the reasons of the Storm of Bastille. They were knowledgeable of the ‘existing conditions.’ The social class was the main thing separating the people of France. There was a lack of social mobility also, causing people to be based on lineage, rather than wealth.      The people of the Third Estate were also being treated unfairly and unjustly. The tax system was another contribution of the revolution. The nobles and clergy would tax the rest of the people by voting. Since the people were divided into sections, each section would count as one vote, despite the fact that the First and Second Estate was only made up of two percent of the population. Also, the nobles and clergy were usually exempt from paying the taxes. This made the people angry. The tax system resulted in the Tennis Court Oath. Members of the Third Estates met there to gather and talk about the problems.      The last contribution to the French Revolution was the ideas of the Enlightenment. The bourgeoisie had learned to read and write about the teachings of Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu. Most of them had the basic idea, to have a limited or constitutional monarchy.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
English Language Learners at the Elementary Level Essay
During English learning sessions, learners who are not native English speakers or those who English is not their first language have been identified to have anxiety and a sense of being alienated in to a language they do not belong or understand, have found themselves in crisis when trying to pass information using a language they are not certain and much concerns have been raised over the self-typifying era of being uncertain in whatever they do. All these have been recognized as themes of the philosophy of existentialism. These themes have significant implications for practicing education practice in learning English language. This philosophical paper has a number of purposes. First, it seeks to clarify the five philosophies of education. Their definition and explanation of what they are and what they are not forms one of the aims for this research paper. The position of existentialism is explained in relation to those other philosophies. This philosophy is clarified explicitly and the most common deviations from what the philosophy is are highlighted. Too often, existentialism is by mistake assumed to refer to an individual’s atomistic view. Such individual is assumed or imagined to be in a capacity to exercise his or her absolute right of freedom. The clarification of this issue is made by three philosophers namely Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Heidegger. Secondly, this philosophical paper aims at applying the philosophies of education in the context of learners of English language at elementary level. It presents an outline of an existential framework which is structures mainly around and about the notion of English language learner who Is specifically at elementary level who is depicted as being in relation, embedded to a certain notion and language culture, a learner who is totally alienated in a world or environment where English is the popular and desirable language and is determined to make meaning out of his or her current status of being meaningless. These attributes have one on one implication for the ideal ‘English speaking and writers’. These impacted people are those who have been taught English as their mother tongue language or have learned the language sufficiently such that it is almost impossible to identify those who were born and taught English as the language of the earth and those who just perfected their English skills at a later stage of their lives, either at primary or secondary level of education. Again, these attributes have impact on the so called ‘English man’ which is more often than not articulated as the aim of introducing English lessons in most of the worlds education programmes. Attaining utmost understanding of English and being in a position to communicate as perfect as ‘Irish man’ using English according to this framework means being authentic, critical and having attained a personal identity as an English language speaker. A third aim of this paper is make argument on how English language learners at elementary level may usefully and successfully apply the philosophy of existentialism in creating identities in English language classes and practice sessions. By applying the philosophy, learners stand a chance of self discovery through active participation and while they enjoy the freedom of choosing what they feel is best for them. The existentialism philosophy is in support of the ideas of pedagogical approaches in education. English learning requires such an approach and by this means, learners are able to effectively examine the approaches by use of crises and anxiety generated from existentialism philosophy. English language syllabus for elementary level as well as other programmes and policies that support English learning stand a chance of being critiqued using the philosophy. Research Questions This research paper shall try to answer few questions that arise whenever the subject of educational philosophy is put on table. First, what is the definition of existentialism as a philosophy in education? What does existentialism entail? What cannot be referred when defining existentialism and what is antagonistic to existentialism? Which of the educational philosophies can be applied in the process of learning English as language? Of all the applicable philosophies, which one is the best to adopt while teaching or learning English language?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A Look at Mr. John Oakhurst Essay
Most situations require a leader, like the Governor in New Jersey during the recent hurricane. The Governor made choices that he thought would help better the people. Overall the mayor just wanted to protect and lead the people of New Jersey. Another example of leadership like what occurred in Jersey was a simple man by the name of John Oakhurst. John was also put to the test having to make decisions trying to help lead and protect the other people that were with him. In Bret Harte’s short story â€Å"The Outcasts of Poker Flat,†John Oakhurst was a respectful gentleman, a truly unselfish man, and most of all a leader at heart all along. Mr. John Oakhurst was a very respectful gentleman in multiple situations. While the group was making their trek out of the town, John made an odd decision. He had a perfect riding horse name Five Spot and he gave it to the Duchess so she would have a better trip. Along the trail leading out to nowhere Mr. Oakhurst saw a young man he once won money from. â€Å"He then handed him his money back, pushed him gently from the room, and so made a devoted slave of Tom Simson†(Harte 509). This shows that he was trying to do be a nice gentleman and do the right thing. There was plenty of things that John did for the people that showed that he was truly unselfish. â€Å"When the body of Mother Shipton had been committed to the snow, Mr. Oakhurst took the Innocent aside, and showed him a pair of snowshoes, which he had fashioned from an old pack saddle†(Harte 513). This was a deed that probably took a good bit of time away from other needed chores. Mr. Oakhurst also knew that he was going to try and help get the boy out of there and that he wouldn’t be coming back. Since he knew that he wouldn’t be back he went around and got enough firewood to last a few days for the Duchess and Piney. He was just trying to do what any other unselfish and caring man would do to try and help someone. John really made some choices after they set off on their trip from town, that most people would be to unsure to make. When Uncle Billy decided to set off on the horses and leave everyone else to suffer. â€Å"He ran to the spot where the mules had been tetheredâ€â€they were no longer there†(Harte 510). Instead of telling them the truth that he ran, John told them that Billy had just wandered off camp and stampeded the animals. John told them this so that everyone would stay calm and not worry. Mr. Oakhurst also ration the food supply to make it last as long as possible. John made sure to keep watch other them to protect them. John Oakhurst really was a true leader at heart. Many hardships were faced during the short story â€Å"The Outcasts of Poker Flat†. Most situations need a leader like the people in the story did. John was there to help them in any way he could. Mr. Oakhurst was there to protect and lead the fellow outcasts. John was trying to do the same thing as the Governor of New Jersey. They were both just trying to do the right thing. Helping the people in any way that they could was there prime concern, no matter if it hurt them in the end.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Dont Hate the Authors Buy Book Reports Online and See the Light at the End of the Tunnel
Dont Hate the Authors Buy Book Reports Online and See the Light at the End of the Tunnel Dont Hate the Authors: Buy Book Reports Online and See the Light at the End of the Tunnel Have you been assigned to read one of the hard to decipher classics and then write a lengthy detailed book report demonstrating that you read and understood the themes, events and the author’s intention or style? If you begin to read the book and find it too far out of reach you might want to consider the fact that you can buy book reports online. Why? There are many reasons to consider this option. Classics Teach about the Different and Subjective World of the Past The classics teach about a different from today ´s world that many younger readers know little about. It will be hard for someone who has little experience in life to grasp the themes and ideas behind the classics because they simply do not have the experience to relate to the book. It is challenging for one with limited life experience to appreciate the details and themes of the classics and it may be that they would gain more by reading the classics in maturity as opposed to youth. So, if you struggle with a task to read a â€Å"heavy†novel, think about book reports online. Forced Reading Causes Resentment towards Book Authors and Reading Itself It is indeed a good thing to read the classics as they can give you a perspective, shape your thinking and confirm things you have always suspected. The problem lies in the lack of choice given to students. We naturally resent anything we must do, regardless of the actual quality of the literature itself. It is akin to being forced to eat our vegetables when younger and growing to hate vegetables because of it. When we choose to read for enjoyment or curiosity we are able to relax and appreciate the literature at our own pace. Reading a Book While Never Fully Grasping It Is a Bad Use of Time With all of the other tasks and assignments students have, spending a disproportionate time on a book because it is hard to understand, and then not really gaining anything from reading, as it was likely rushed, is a bad use of time. The time is better spent on fruitful assignments the student will be able to use near term. If you are to really read a classic, really savor it, you must first have the capacity to do so. Second you must have the desire to engage in the activity. Third, you need to have the time, or make the time to fully dig into it, as classics are not light reading. They take time to digest, and you need to chew on them for a while to get the most from them.
Monday, October 21, 2019
See a Timeline of Gun Control in the United States
See a Timeline of Gun Control in the United States The gun control debate in the United States goes back to the nations founding, when the framers of the Constitution first wrote the Second Amendment, allowing private citizens to keep and bear arms. Gun control became a much bigger topic shortly after the November 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Kennedys death increased public awareness of the relative lack of control over the sale and possession of firearms in America. Until 1968, handguns, rifles, shotguns, and ammunition were commonly sold over the counter and through mail-order catalogs and magazines to just about any adult anywhere in the nation. However, Americas history of federal and state laws regulating private ownership of firearms goes back much farther. 1791 The Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment, gains final ratification. The Second Amendment reads: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. 1837 Georgia passes a law banning handguns. The law is ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court and is thrown out. 1865 In a reaction to emancipation, several southern states adopt black codes which, among other things, forbid black persons from possessing firearms. 1871 The National Rifle Association (NRA) is organized around its primary goal of improving American civilians marksmanship in preparation for war. 1927 The U.S. Congress passes a law banning the mailing of concealable weapons. 1934 The National Firearms Act of 1934, regulating the manufacture, sale and possession of fully automatic firearms like sub-machine guns is approved by Congress. 1938 The Federal Firearms Act of 1938 places the first limitations on selling ordinary firearms. Persons selling guns are required to obtain a Federal Firearms License, at an annual cost of $1, and to maintain records of the name and address of persons to whom firearms are sold. Gun sales to persons convicted of violent felonies were prohibited. 1968 The Gun Control Act of 1968 is enacted for the purpose of â€Å"keeping firearms out of the hands of those not legally entitled to possess them because of age, criminal background, or incompetence.†The act regulates imported guns, expands the gun-dealer licensing and record-keeping requirements, and places specific limitations on the sale of handguns. The list of persons banned from buying guns is expanded to include persons convicted of any non-business related felony, persons found to be mentally incompetent, and users of illegal drugs. 1972 The federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) is created, listing as part of its mission the control of illegal use and sale of firearms and the enforcement of Federal firearms laws. The ATF issues firearms licenses and conducts firearms licensee qualification and compliance inspections. 1977 The District of Columbia enacts an anti-handgun law which also requires registration of all rifles and shotguns within the District of Columbia. 1986 The Armed Career Criminal Act increases penalties for possession of firearms by persons not qualified to own them under the Gun Control Act of 1986. The Firearms Owners Protection Act (Public Law 99-308) relaxes some restrictions on gun and ammunition sales and establishes mandatory penalties for use of firearms during the commission of a crime. The Law Enforcement Officers Protection Act (Public Law 99-408) bans possession of cop killer bullets capable of penetrating bulletproof clothing. 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988, making it illegal to manufacture, import, sell, ship, deliver, possess, transfer, or receive any firearm that is not as detectable by walk-through metal detectors. The law prohibited guns not containing enough metal to trigger security screening machines found in airports, courthouses and other secure areas accessible to the public. 1989 California bans the possession of semiautomatic assault weapons following the massacre of five children on a Stockton, Calif., school playground. 1990 The Crime Control Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-647) bans the manufacturing and importing semiautomatic assault weapons in the United States. Gun-free school zones are established, carrying specific penalties for violations. 1994 The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act imposes a five-day waiting period on the purchase of a handgun and requires that local law enforcement agencies conduct background checks on purchasers of handguns. The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 prohibits the sale, manufacture, importation, or possession of several specific types of assault-type weapons for a 10-year period. However, the law expires on September 13, 2004, after Congress fails to reauthorize it. 1997 The U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of Printz v. United States, declares the background check requirement of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act unconstitutional. The Florida Supreme Court upholds a jurys $11.5 million verdict against Kmart for selling a gun to an intoxicated man who used the gun to shoot his estranged girlfriend. Major American gun manufacturers voluntarily agree to include child safety trigger devices on all new handguns. June 1998 A Justice Department report indicates the blocking of some 69,000 handgun sales during 1997 when the Brady Bill pre-sale background checks were required. July 1998 An amendment requiring a trigger lock mechanism to be included with every handgun sold in the United States is defeated in the Senate. But the Senate approves an amendment requiring gun dealers to have trigger locks available for sale and creating federal grants for gun safety and education programs. October 1998 New Orleans becomes the first U.S. city to file suit against gunmakers, firearms trade associations, and gun dealers. The citys suit seeks recovery of costs attributed to gun-related violence. Nov. 12, 1998 Chicago files a $433 million suit against local gun dealers and makers alleging that oversupplying local markets provided guns to criminals. Nov. 17, 1998 A negligence suit against gunmaker Beretta brought by the family of a 14-year-old boy killed by another boy with a Beretta handgun is dismissed by a California jury. Nov. 30, 1998 Permanent provisions of the Brady Act go into effect. Gun dealers are now required to initiate a pre-sale criminal background check of all gun buyers through the newly created National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) computer system. Dec. 1, 1998 The NRA files suit in federal court attempting to block the FBIs collection of information on firearm buyers. Dec. 5, 1998 President Bill Clinton announces that the instant background check system had prevented 400,000 illegal gun purchases. The claim was called misleading by the NRA. January 1999 Civil suits against gunmakers seeking to recover costs of gun-related violence were filed in Bridgeport, Conn., and Miami-Dade County, Fla. April 20, 1999 At Columbine High School near Denver, students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shoot and kill 12 other students and a teacher, and wound 24 others before killing themselves. The attack renews debate on the need for more restrictive gun control laws. May 20, 1999 By a 51-50 vote, with the tie-breaker vote cast by Vice President Al Gore, the U.S. Senate passes a bill requiring trigger locks on all newly manufactured handguns and extending waiting period and background check requirements to sales of firearms at gun shows. Aug. 24, 1999 The Los Angeles County, Calif., Board of Supervisors votes 3-2 to ban the Great Western Gun Show, billed as the Worlds Largest Gun Show from the Pomona fairgrounds where it had been held for the last 30 years. Sept. 13, 2004 After lengthy and heated debate, Congress allows the 10-year-old Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 banning the sale of 19 types of military-style assault weapons to expire. December 2004 Congress fails to continue funding for President George W. Bush’s 2001 gun control program, Project Safe Neighborhoods. Massachusetts becomes the first state to implement an electronic instant gun buyer background check system with fingerprint scanning for gun licenses and gun purchases. January 2005 California bans the manufacture, sale, distribution or import of the powerful .50-caliber BMG, or Browning machine gun rifle. October 2005 President Bush signs the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act limiting the ability of victims of crimes in which guns were used to sue firearms manufacturers and dealers. The law includes an amendment requiring all new guns to come with trigger locks. January 2008 In a move supported by both opponents and advocates of gun control laws, President Bush signs the National Instant Criminal Background Check Improvement Act requiring gun-buyer background checks to screen for legally declared mentally ill individuals, who are ineligible to buy firearms. June 26, 2008 In its landmark decision in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment affirmed the rights of individuals to own firearms. The ruling also overturns a 32-year-old ban on the sale or possession of handguns in the District of Columbia. February 2010 A federal law signed by President Barack Obama took effect allowing licensed gun owners to bring firearms into national parks and wildlife refuges as long as they are allowed by state law. Dec. 9, 2013 The Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988, requiring that all guns must contain enough metal to be detectable by security screening machines was extended through 2035. July 29, 2015 In an effort to close the so-called â€Å"gun show loophole†allowing gun sales conducted without Brady Act background checks, U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) introduces the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2015 (H.R. 3411), to require background checks for all gun sales, including sales made over the internet and at gun shows. June 12, 2016 President Obama again calls on Congress to enact or renew a law prohibiting the sale and possession of assault-style weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines after a man identified as Omar Mateen kills 49 people in an Orlando, Fla., gay nightclub on June 12, using an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle. In a call to 911 he made during the attack, Mateen told police he had pledged his allegiance to the radical Islamic terrorist group ISIS. September 2017 A bill titled â€Å"Sportsmen Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act,†or SHARE Act (H.R. 2406) advances to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. While the main purpose of the bill is to expand access to public land for, hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting, a provision added by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) called The Hearing Protection Act would reduce the current federal restrictions on purchasing firearm silencers, or suppressors. Currently, the restrictions on silencer purchases are similar to those for machine guns, including extensive background checks, waiting periods, and transfer taxes. Duncan’s provision would eliminate those restrictions. Backers of Duncan’s provision argue that it would help recreational hunters and shooters protect themselves from hearing loss. Opponents say it would make it harder for police and civilians to locate the source of gunfire, potentially resulting in more casualties. Witnesses to the deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas on Oct. 1, 2017, reported that the gunfire coming from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Resort sounded like â€Å"popping†that was at first mistaken as fireworks. Many argue that the inability to hear the gunshots made the shooting even more deadly. Oct. 1, 2017 Barely over a year after the Orlando shooting, a man identified as Stephen Craig Paddock opens fire on an outdoor music festival in Las Vegas. Shooting from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel, Paddock kills at least 59 people and wounds more than 500 others. Among the at least 23 firearms found in Paddock’s room were legally-purchased, semi-automatic AR-15 rifles which had been fitted with commercially-available accessories known as â€Å"bump stocks,†which allow semi-automatic rifles to be fired as if in fully-automatic mode of up to nine rounds per second. Under a law enacted in 2010, bump stocks are treated as legal, after-market accessories. In the aftermath of the incident, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have called for laws specifically banning bump stocks, while others have also called for a renewal of the assault weapons ban. Oct. 4, 2017 Less than a week after the Las Vegas shooting, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) introduces the â€Å"Automatic Gunfire Prevention Act†that would ban the sale and possession of bump stocks and other devices that allow a semiautomatic weapon to fire like a fully-automatic weapon. The bill states: â€Å"It shall be unlawful for any person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a trigger crank, a bump-fire device or any part, combination of parts, component, device, attachment or accessory that is designed or functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic rifle but not convert the semiautomatic rifle into a machine gun.†Oct. 5, 2017 Sen. Feinstein introduces the Background Check Completion Act. Feinstein says the bill would close a loophole in the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. Feinstein said: â€Å"Current law allows gun sales to proceed after 72 hours- even if background checks aren’t approved. This is a dangerous loophole that could allow criminals and those with mental illness to complete their purchase of firearms even though it would be unlawful for them to possess them.†The Background Check Completion Act would require that a background check be fully completed before any gun buyer who purchases a gun from a federally-licensed firearms dealer (FFL) can take possession of the gun. Feb. 21, 2018 Just days after the February 14, 2018, mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, President Donald Trump orders the Justice Department and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to review bump fire stocks- devices that allow a semi-automatic rifle to be fired similar to a fully-automatic weapon. Trump had previously indicated that he might support a new federal regulation banning the sale of such devices. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters: â€Å"The President, when it comes to that, is committed to ensuring that those devices are- again, Im not going to get ahead of the announcement, but I can tell you that the president doesnt support use of those accessories.†On February 20, Sanders stated that the president would support â€Å"steps†to raise the current minimum age for buying military-style weapons, such as the AR-15- the weapon used in the Parkland shooting- from 18 to 21. â€Å"I think thats certainly something thats on the table for us to discuss and that we expect to come up over the next couple of weeks,†Sanders said. July 31 2018 U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik in Seattle issued a temporary restraining blocking the release of blueprints that could be used to produce untraceable and undetectable 3D-printable plastic guns. Assembled from ABS plastic parts, 3D guns are firearms that can be made with a computer-controlled 3D printer. The judge acted partly in response to a lawsuit filed against the federal government by several states to block the release of blueprints for 3D-printed plastic guns. Judge Lasnik’s order banned the Austin, Texas-based gun rights group Defense Distributed from allowing the public to download the blueprints from its website. â€Å"There is a possibility of irreparable harm because of the way these guns can be made,†Lasnik wrote. Before the restraining order, plans for assembling a variety of guns, including an AR-15-style rifle and a Beretta M9 handgun could be downloaded from the Defense Distributed website. Shortly after the restraining order was issued, President Donald Trump (realDonaldTrump) tweeted, â€Å"I am looking into 3-D Plastic Guns being sold to the public. Already spoke to NRA, doesn’t seem to make much sense!†The NRA said in a statement that anti-gun politicians and certain members of the press had wrongly claimed that 3D printing technology will allow for the production and widespread proliferation of undetectable plastic firearms. August 2019 In the wake of three mass shootings in Gilroy, Calif.; El Paso, Texas; and Dayton, Ohio in the span of two weeks that left a total of almost three dozen people dead, a new push was made in Congress for gun control measures. Among the proposals were stronger background checks and limits on high-capacity magazines. Red flag laws also were proposed to allow police or family members to file a court petition to remove firearms from individuals who might pose a danger to themselves or others.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Battle of Camden - American Revolution
Battle of Camden - American Revolution The Battle of Camden was fought August 16, 1780, during the American Revolution (1775-1783). Having withdrawn from Philadelphia to New York in 1778, Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton, commanding British forces in North America, shifted his focus south. That December, British troops captured Savannah, GA and in the spring of 1780 laid siege to Charleston, SC. When the city fell in May 1780, Clinton succeeded in capturing the bulk of the Continental Armys southern forces. Raiding from the city, Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton defeated another retreating American force at the Battle of Waxhaws on May 29. Having taken the city, Clinton departed leaving Lieutenant General Lord Charles Cornwallis in command. With the exception of partisan groups operating in the South Carolina backcountry, the closest American forces to Charleston were two Continental regiments commanded by Major General Baron Johann de Kalb at Hillsborough, NC. To rescue the situation, the Continental Congress turned to the victor of Saratoga, Major General Horatio Gates. Riding south, he arrived in de Kalbs camp at Deep River, NC on July 25. Assessing the situation, he found that the army was lacking in food as the local population, disillusioned by the recent string of defeats, was not offering supplies. In an effort to restore morale, Gates proposed immediately moving against Lieutenant Colonel Lord Francis Rawdons outpost at Camden, SC. Though de Kalb was willing to attack, he recommended moving through Charlotte and Salisbury to obtain badly needed supplies. This was rejected by Gates who insisted on speed and began leading the army south through the North Carolina pine barrens. Joined by Virginia militia and additional Continental troops, Gates army had little to eat during the march beyond what could be scavenged from the countryside. Armies Commanders: Americans Major General Horatio GatesMajor General Johann de Kalb3,700 men British Lieutenant General Lord Charles CornwallisLieutenant Colonel Banastre TarletonLord Rawdon2,200 men Moving to Battle Crossing the Pee Dee River on August 3, they met 2,000 militia led by Colonel James Caswell. This addition swelled Gates force to around 4,500 men, but further worsened the logistical situation. Approaching Camden, but believing he greatly outnumbered Rawdon, Gates dispatched 400 men to aid Thomas Sumter with an attack on a British supply convoy. On August 9, having been informed of Gates approach, Cornwallis marched out from Charleston with reinforcements. Arriving at Camden, the combined British force numbered around 2,200 men. Due to disease and hunger, Gates possessed around 3,700 healthy men. Deployments Rather than wait at Camden, Cornwallis began probing north. Late on August 15, the two forces made contact approximately five miles north of the town. Pulling back for the night, they prepared for battle the next day. Deploying in the morning, Gates made the error of placing the bulk of his Continental troops (de Kalbs command) on his right, with the North Carolina and Virginia militia on the left. A small group of dragoons under Colonel Charles Armand was to their rear. As a reserve, Gates retained Brigadier General William Smallwoods Maryland Continentals behind the American line. In forming his men, Cornwallis made similar deployments placing his most experienced troops, under Lieutenant Colonel James Webster, on the right while Rawdons Loyalist and Volunteers of Ireland militia opposed de Kalb. As a reserve, Cornwallis held back two battalions of the 71st Foot as well as Tarletons cavalry. Facing off, the two armies were constrained to a narrow battlefield which was hemmed in on either side by the swamps of Gum Creek. The Battle of Camden The battle commenced in the morning with Cornwallis right attacking the American militia. As the British moved forward, Gates ordered the Continentals on his right to advance. Firing a volley into the militia, the British inflicted several casualties before surging forward with a bayonet charge. Largely lacking bayonets and rattled by the opening shots, the bulk of the militia immediately fled the field. As his left wing disintegrated, Gates joined the militia in fleeing. Pushing forward, the Continentals fought vigorously and repelled two assaults by Rawdons men (Map). Counterattacking, the Continentals came close to breaking Rawdons line, but were soon taken in the flank by Webster. Having routed the militia, he turned his men and began assaulting the Continentals left flank. Stubbornly resisting, the Americans were finally forced to withdraw when Cornwallis ordered Tarleton to attack their rear. In the course of the fighting, de Kalb was wounded eleven times and left on the field. Retreating from Camden, the Americans were pursued by Tarletons troopers for approximately twenty miles. Aftermath of Camden The Battle of Camden saw Gates army suffered around 800 killed and wounded and another 1,000 captured. In addition, the Americans lost eight guns and the bulk of their wagon train. Captured by the British, de Kalb was cared for by Cornwallis doctor before dying on August 19. British losses totaled 68 killed, 245 wounded, and 11 missing. A crushing defeat, Camden marked the second time an American army in the South was effectively destroyed in 1780. Having fled the field during the fighting, Gates rode sixty miles to Charlotte by nightfall. Disgraced, he was removed from command in favor of the dependable Major General Nathanael Greene that fall.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Performance and career management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Performance and career management - Essay Example While talking some inherent skills like that of communication and proper body language become transparent. Some common questions related to sales activities might make the understanding stronger. The career management process should be continuous and new goals should be set as soon as the previous ones have been achieved. (Career management 2002) This is achieved only through a periodic feedback process after assessment. The performance evaluation might be done according to the performance appraisal form given above. This will lead to an appraisal/ reprisal according to the assessment. After the feedback sheet is sent through email to every employee a group meeting will be called. In general all the common weaknesses and areas of improvements in order to gains stability should be discussed. If some team member has surpassed expectations then he or she should be presented as a role model before others. After this session a one-to-one session will be held where every employee will be given a chance to speak about their problems and even grudges against the mangers or their immediate seniors. Any psychological issue, which is hindering them from improvement, should also be dealt with and explained as much as possible. Individual weaknesses should be pointed out and if anyone has done miserably he or she should be warned. However the employees will be given a chance here to even challenge any assessment made under any of the categories. Examples need to be cited by them to prove their point. In case they are uncomfortable to pick such issues in face-to-face conversation, they might even send an email. After all these contradictions are dealt with, a final evaluation sheet is sent to them base don which the appraisal takes place. Identification of one’s strength and weaknesses is a major part of career management and the feedback system enforces
Research Papre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Research Papre - Essay Example This process gets more aggravated when the people cut more trees, which are absorbers of carbon emitted. If we look at history of earth, we can notice that the earth has cooled and heated alternatively in a gradual span of time. The climate of the earth change according to the intensity of sun light receive or due to shift in the orbital movement of earth. However, in the recent times, one force which has alleviated the heating process of earth is humanity. As per (wiscombe,2012)â€Å"The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6 ° F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years†. Global warming can be described as a swift increase in the temperature of earth due to a vast release of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere due to the burning up of fossils by humans. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon where in the infrared radiation emitted by atmosphere heat up the planet’s surface. The term â€Å"greenhouse effect†derived from an analogy where the heating up of air inside a greenhouse is compared with the air present outside the greenhouse. Apart from earth, the planets Venus and Mars also experience greenhouse effect. Naturally earth receives heat in the form of radiation from sun and 30% of this incoming energy is solar radiation. The 70% of remaining solar energy is absorbed by the land, ocean and atmosphere of the earth. This natural process occurs in order to give the earth a temperature which is of a stable state and not to allow rapid heating or cooling in the earth’s atmosphere. Generally speaking, only one percent of the earth’s atmosphere is comprised of greenhouse gases .But this greenhouse gas has a feature of trapping heat in the atmosphere and creating a warm blanket of air around the planet. This is what is known as â€Å"green house effect†. Without this greenhouse
Friday, October 18, 2019
The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Essay
The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Essay Example The mandate of CESCR allows it to consider the traditional, as well as emerging conceptions regarding people’s legal rights. With the appreciation of these legal rights comes the implementation of practical actions, which are conceived within a model, which has been created in the milieu of private claims against other people or public claims against the state (Pogge, Rimmer & Rubenstein 2010, p. 360). Through this knowledge, the UN CESCR attempts to make all legal rights related to people’s social, cultural and economic rights public rights rather than private rights. This is primarily because the private law model consists of three distinctive features, which comingle to attempt to displace the legal significance of people’s inherent right to health. The first feature deals primarily with theorizing that social and economic rights are positive rights and those positive rights are generally considered as non-justifiable. Rights, which require the input rather th an non-interference of government, are typically unsuited to litigation, but rather belong in the branches of government that are considered as democratic, where they are open to contestation (Dowell-Jones 2004, p. 201). Secondly, legal rights are considered as coterminous with remedies; this means that relief will only contingent on the harm caused by a breach of duty, from the duty holder to the rights holder. Therefore, successful implementations of rights are considered by the nature of relief given to the claimant.... The first feature deals primarily with theorizing that social and economic rights are positive rights and those positive rights are generally considered as non-justifiable. Rights, which require the input rather than non-interference of government, are typically unsuited to litigation, but rather belong in the branches of government that are considered as democratic, where they are open to contestation (Dowell-Jones 2004, p. 201). Secondly, legal rights are considered as coterminous with remedies; this means that relief will only contingent on the harm caused by a breach of duty, from the duty holder to the rights holder. Therefore, successful implementations of rights are considered by the nature of relief given to the claimant (Dennis & Stewart 2004, p. 467). As a consequence, when the claimants are multiple (as in the case of a state’s citizens) appropriate remedies become elusive or unattainable. Lastly, Pogge, Rimmer & Rubenstein (2010, p. 361) consider the conception of citizens’ legal rights as private to be detrimental to a government’s fulfilment of the requirements of the CESCR because such a legal system conciders health as a private good. This private good is consumed, in the form of healthcare via market-based mechanism and defended by criminal and tort law. The CESCR, therefore, deters the consideration of health as a private good in order to deter the aforementioned implications. When health is accessed collectively, in the form of a public good, it becomes protected by occupational, environmental and public health laws. In essence, the CESCR helps state parties appreciate that, outside the regimes
Blog # 6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Blog # 6 - Assignment Example Women love the love stories that men from these films display where they appear to end up overly happy. The women also deem that by involving themselves with Korean men, they will have the same feeling (Onishi, 2008). One significant long-term effect is that this might lead to cultural degradation because the women are rushing to intermarry with different cultures, which will, in the long run degrade the two cultures that are involved in the matrimony. This is because as cultures intermarry, they tend to endorse other cultures apart from theirs, thus leading to clashes in between (Onishi, 2012). Finally, the short-term effect the clashes that women in Korea would have with Korean men for choosing to go abroad to marry instead of marrying their own. It is not significant because it is important to reserve ones culture in order to ensure continuity of the culture. Chan, B., & Xueli, W. (2011). Of prince charming and male chauvinist pigs: Singaporean female viewers and the dream-world of Korean television dramas. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(5), 291-306. Onishi, N. (2012). For some in Vietnam, prosperity is a South Korean son-in-law. Retrieved from
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Til Death do us Part Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Til Death do us Part - Essay Example This couple has a healthy and happy marriage. It has not been without conflict, but it is still a successful relationship. According to the model, Martha and Robert have gone through various stages in their relationship. Due to the time period, they probably rushed through these stages much faster than they normally would have. Marriage normally takes place during the bonding stage, which is the final stage. However, Robert was sent away during their first year of marriage. This distance caused them to have to revisit some of the earlier stages. They stayed connected through letters, which allowed them to intensify their relationship. When Robert returned, it was difficult at first. They had to learn how to live together again. The births of their two children so closely together did not allow them to spend much time together. That postponed the integrating stage until their children were grown. It was then that they began spending more time together again. Finally, when Robert retired they were able to enter the bonding stage. Although this was also difficult at first, they found a way to make it work. That they can finish each other's thoughts, and can not imagine life without the other shows that they are truly in a successful relationship. Rudy and Bill's marriage also started out quickly. They were married after only a few meetings, and Bill was sent overseas soon after their marriage began. They probably never left the experimenting stage. It is during this stage that couples find out if they should stay together or not. Had they given this more time they probably would have decided to end the relationship. When Bill returned he was a stranger to both Rudy and their son. Rather than going through the development stages again as Robert and Martha did, they seemed to move to the termination stages. Both seemed to think in terms of "me" rather than "we." This is demonstrated when Bill said he wanted things done "his way" not hers. Rudy was unhappy and wished she could stay with her parents. Bill also began spending more time with his friends and going out after work, without Rudy. These are signs that they were differentiating. The next stage is circumscribing, when communication between the couple diminishes. Certain topics are avoided, for example, Bill's dance partners. Bill and Rudy, though living together, lived very separate lives. Rudy's was home with her children, while Bill's was out with his friends. Eventually they even moved into separate rooms in the house. This is representative of the avoiding stage. The final stage would be termination, but this relationship never reached this stage. Rudy believed that divorce was never an option, and her unhappiness not important. Bill does not seem to see a problem with their relationship. One theory that relates to this case study is Mary Anne Fitzpatrick's Marital Communication Theory. According to this theory, there are three types of couples in a marriage, the traditional type, independents, and separates. Couples can move among these types, but their communication styles will be reflected in their type of relationship. Robert and Martha seem to be traditional in their roles. They share a lot, and each person's role in the relationship is defined clearly. Rudy and Bill, on the other hand, are separates. They do not spend much time together, and live separate lives, even though they are still married. This is reflected in how they communicate. Neither seems to hear what the other is
Church Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Church Architecture - Essay Example The early church building architecture is one of the most outstanding designs ever seen in human construction history. Churches all over the world share similar architectural designs in the interior and exterior regions. Normal church architecture always seems to be dominated by a round shape style. The basic architecture of the church includes a Nave, which is the part where worshippers stand during the service. The Pulpit is the podium on the left side of the church where the gospel is read, and the Nathex am outside part of the church that serves as an entry to the Nave. The church is characterized by wooden seats arranged in from the front. The interior design of the churches includes minimum three entries, a high ceiling and large decorated windows (Campbell, 2004). The exterior of the church is mainly raised roof, with a cross at the top. Early churches have the exterior decorated with statues of angels. The exterior design of churches is large and spacious just as the interior and constructed using strong stone blocks. Apart from this the doors were made of wood and locked by interlocking strong metal pieces. The main material used in construction of early churches was a huge stone blocks, clay bricks wooden beams, timber and bricks. The roofing was mainly made clay tiles (Ward-Perkins, 1994). Islam can be traced as far as Christianity and its architecture is unique and attractive. Mosques have interior is spaced just like in a church, but it has no seats. Since Muslims worship while kneeling down, the floor of a mosque need to a furnished material such as a carpet. The interior architecture f a mosque boasts of beautiful decoration mostly of handmade tiles (Haog, 1991). Islamic interior architecture also includes arches and domes giving the most spacious view from the inside. The domes are decorated with glass to allow sunlight; this ensures the spacious interior of a Mosque is nicely light. The decorations include verses of Quran, patterns of different shapes in different colors and many windows some of which are blind. The most important part of the mosque is the Mihrab to the right of the Mihrab is the Minber or pulpit. This is where the Imam stands when giving the sermon. The exterior architecture of the Mosque has a minaret, a raise tower like structure shaped like a pencil which mainly is used to call worshipers to the morning player. The Mosque is made of Marble carvings, wood, plaster, stone, glass for windows and handmade ceramic tiles decorating both the interior and the exterior (Ward-Perkins, 1994). The gothic buildings were mainly made up of stone, and emphasized on strong buttressed walls, minimal wall space, highly vaulted ceiling and vertical lines. The roof of the Gothic building was quiet heavy and architectures had to consider the possibility of a collapse. To prevent this from happening they developed buttresses. These exterior structures ensured that the walls and pillars could support the heavy roof by distri buting weight evenly enabling them to resist the outward pressure of the roof. The Gothic building exterior also comprised of a tower forming part of entry to the Nave. The towers had a large window in the entry side to ensure that the inside of the building is well lit. The interior of the gothic building almost resembled the church, it had large stained glass windows, wooden seats, a nave, pulpit and an altar. The interior decoration mainly comprised of stone carvings and coloured windows. Gothic architects appreciated geometry therefore the stones used in construction of gothic buildings were specifically cut to fitting. Other than this metal, glass and wood comprised the main materials used on construction of the buildings (Draper, 2006). The renaissance period architecture emphasizes on geometry, proportionality, symmetry and regularity of parts. The columns, plaster, and lintels were arranged orderly and the architects utilized the use of dome, niches and aedicule’
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Til Death do us Part Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Til Death do us Part - Essay Example This couple has a healthy and happy marriage. It has not been without conflict, but it is still a successful relationship. According to the model, Martha and Robert have gone through various stages in their relationship. Due to the time period, they probably rushed through these stages much faster than they normally would have. Marriage normally takes place during the bonding stage, which is the final stage. However, Robert was sent away during their first year of marriage. This distance caused them to have to revisit some of the earlier stages. They stayed connected through letters, which allowed them to intensify their relationship. When Robert returned, it was difficult at first. They had to learn how to live together again. The births of their two children so closely together did not allow them to spend much time together. That postponed the integrating stage until their children were grown. It was then that they began spending more time together again. Finally, when Robert retired they were able to enter the bonding stage. Although this was also difficult at first, they found a way to make it work. That they can finish each other's thoughts, and can not imagine life without the other shows that they are truly in a successful relationship. Rudy and Bill's marriage also started out quickly. They were married after only a few meetings, and Bill was sent overseas soon after their marriage began. They probably never left the experimenting stage. It is during this stage that couples find out if they should stay together or not. Had they given this more time they probably would have decided to end the relationship. When Bill returned he was a stranger to both Rudy and their son. Rather than going through the development stages again as Robert and Martha did, they seemed to move to the termination stages. Both seemed to think in terms of "me" rather than "we." This is demonstrated when Bill said he wanted things done "his way" not hers. Rudy was unhappy and wished she could stay with her parents. Bill also began spending more time with his friends and going out after work, without Rudy. These are signs that they were differentiating. The next stage is circumscribing, when communication between the couple diminishes. Certain topics are avoided, for example, Bill's dance partners. Bill and Rudy, though living together, lived very separate lives. Rudy's was home with her children, while Bill's was out with his friends. Eventually they even moved into separate rooms in the house. This is representative of the avoiding stage. The final stage would be termination, but this relationship never reached this stage. Rudy believed that divorce was never an option, and her unhappiness not important. Bill does not seem to see a problem with their relationship. One theory that relates to this case study is Mary Anne Fitzpatrick's Marital Communication Theory. According to this theory, there are three types of couples in a marriage, the traditional type, independents, and separates. Couples can move among these types, but their communication styles will be reflected in their type of relationship. Robert and Martha seem to be traditional in their roles. They share a lot, and each person's role in the relationship is defined clearly. Rudy and Bill, on the other hand, are separates. They do not spend much time together, and live separate lives, even though they are still married. This is reflected in how they communicate. Neither seems to hear what the other is
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
American Law Enforcement - Ethical Dillemma Essay
American Law Enforcement - Ethical Dillemma - Essay Example Police ranks often pull together to support their own and when that does not work, the community will justify their actions by not holding them responsible for the outcomes of bad decision making. The ethics within the police rank appears to be teleological, supporting the concept of the means justifying the ends, despite all Constitutional efforts to dissuade this type of thinking. In a world that is becoming ever increasingly violent the service that is entered into by the police should reflect a higher standard of responsibility instead of a shield that protects them from the outcomes of their poor decision making processes. Incidents Death and Justification In the year 2000 Shannon Smith, a mentally disabled man of 27 who often forgot to pay for the gas he would pump into his Cadillac. The $15 dollars in gas was not the first that he had forgotten to pay, but he would remember and go back, or his father would take care of the bill for him when called. On this particular occasion, however, the clerk called the police and a slow pace pursuit began chasing the mentally disabled man across jurisdictions. ... Gabor was later charged with his murder (Reynolds, 2001). Despite evidence that Gabor had used his nightstick to pound on the car window and to kick at the car, he was acquitted of the charges. Smith’s family received $675,000 in a wrongful death settlement against Gabor from the police department who settled on Gabor’s behalf (Reynolds, 2002). On August 31st of this year Michael Vincent Allen was shot 41 times after a high speed chase that included a bashed in front end to a police vehicle. Police contend that at the end of a cul de sac Allen tried to make a u-turn which ended in the damage to the front of the police car, but witnesses contradicted that version and stated that it was the police car that rammed into Allen’s vehicle. The officer’s name, that has yet to be released, stood with his fellow officers and fired 41 times at the suspect while the other officers did not fire off a single shot (Peterson, 2012). The initial police reports supported th e officer through police accounts, but a wider investigation showed that he was aggressive and that he was the only one shooting is suspicious. Officer Mathew Jacob Marin, who has been a police officer for five years, shot and killed a man with only one arm and one leg in a wheelchair when he was cornered by the man who was waving around a metal object which turned out to be a pen. Marin was involved in a previous shooting death during his career when in 2009 he shot a suspect who was stabbing his neighbor and refused to drop the knife when confronted. In the same year, a poll taken by the Chicago Tribune found that 59% of police officers never fire their gun during their career. While the first incident seems justifiable for Marin,
Monday, October 14, 2019
Analysis of Personality Type Essay Example for Free
Analysis of Personality Type Essay My overall personality has it strengths and weaknesses. I believe we all have our downfalls. I’ve been told I’m really outgoing, Goofy, loving, funny, kind-hearted, intelligent, but also very helpful. I’ve also been described as quiet, and very shy. This can be good and bad in a number of ways for a number of reasons. Put all of this along with my vark type, and SDS report and you have one interesting person. When it comes to being outgoing there is a time and a place. It’s okay to be outgoing but not in certain settings like in a classroom in the middle of a lecture where everyone should be quiet, yet attentive. As far as being goofy all the time, gives me the opportunity to uplift others in ways that I never thought was possible. Simply speaking to someone and making them laugh can change a person day drastically; well that’s what my friends always say. They could go from having an okay day to a great day from a simple hello, a smile, and a little joke from time to time. I’ve been told laughter is the key to life and we’d all be bitter without it so I try to keep people around me laughing. Being funny comes natural and I’ve been told I have that â€Å"natural touch.†Making someone laugh can brighten any dull moment and change someone’s day just as well as speaking to them. I love to laugh and I also try to keep people laughing because it’s just something I enjoy doing. At times I don’t even try to be funny and I still accomplished this goal without even trying. I can be very kind-hearted when I choose to. For example I have a love for helping people so I am extremely kind when it comes to someone wanting my help. It makes me feel like I have done like a good deed. . I’ll pretty much help with anything as long as it doesn’t harm me or them in any way. I’m also very intelligent. I can talk and educate someone who is unfamiliar with just about any subject, including, mathematics, and even English. These are just a few of my strengths which bring out good and bad characteristics of my personality. As far as putting all of this with my VARK, and SDS reports I think I am one interesting person. In the VARK report I am more of a kinesthetic and then a visual learner. In some cases that could be a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing about that is I can thing is when I give presentations; I can really make it come alive. Instead of just writing all of these boring words down I would put a lot of pictures and colors on there, and bring it together in a way where it catches your eye to make you want to pay attention. But, in some cases it could be bad because what if my boss doesn’t like the whole picture idea because he or she is a different type of learner. Well our personalities could clash. When it comes to the SDS report I am an ECS which means I am enterprising, conventional and very social. Enterprising means that I am a type of person that likes to persuade or direct others, very adventurous, agreeable, and ambitious. Conventional means that I am follow orderly routines and meet clear standards, and I am also very careful and efficient obedient, and orderly. Last but not lease I am very social, meaning I like to help, teach, counsel people, very friendly, cooperative generous and reasonable. I have a few distractions and weaknesses when it comes to my personality but I plan to work on them on a daily basis. As of now, my strengths out way my weaknesses so I don’t have much to worry about. I’ll focus mainly on my strengths but also put a certain amount of effort towards improving my weaknesses. Career Profile Out of the entire career I have looked at, I think I would like to go in to the business field. Not just any business, CEO, or an entrepreneur type thing. Knowing that I like to cook I will incorporate that into my career choice too. A CEO (Chief Executive officer) is a title of a person who holds the highest position in a company. A CEO is very individualized depending upon the size of the company, and of course they have to have the right education. To be a CEO you have to have a MBA, which requires a 4 year undergraduate degree, and some of a graduate studies as well. If I where to go to grade school at Michigan State it would cost about 39,896 for an out of state student. I would have to have a GPA requirement of 3.4-3.8, and it takes about 4 years to finish. Because I live in Texas I would have to relocate myself to Michigan. To get into grad school you have to take the GMAT. The GMAT test doesn’t test you on knowledge in business or other subjects, it is a mental intelligence tester, and to see how well you can make a decision under pressure. Most grad schools look at your college grades and GPA, but they really pay attention to your GMAT. It is really important. Next is an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages a business undertaking assuming the risk for the sake of profit. Also they see opportunity, and take it to build a plan. Start his or her business to manage and receive profit. Be an entrepreneur it is a good idea to take the same route as a CEO, that way your education is much higher than some of the other business owners, and might be more successful. Last but not least is my love for cooking. I really want to go into that field as well mostly the business side of it any way. To go into any of owning any type of food industry, it is only fair that you go to culinary school, so that you know how to cook for one, and how to run your own food business. If I where to go to a culinary school I would pick La Cordon Bleu. For one they teach you all the culinary techniques you need to know, and they also teach you how to run and work in the food industry. To attend La Cordon Bleu Its cost about $37,500 to get a BA in Culinary Arts and Baking $ Pastry, and its takes about 14 months or a year and 2 months to get your degree. If you put all three of these together you have some one that is an CEO of a Food company or a restaurant chain, and someone who can not only run a business but cook in it too. To enter my field of choice I am looking at about $80,000 and that’s just education alone. If I add the relocation and housing and food added on with the education, that is about $100,000. Once I start working that is a different story. A CEO starts out at about $366,551, and at the most could make up to $1,117,442. On average a CEO makes about $704,731. A CEO works about 50 to 60 hours a week. Its looks like I am going to be very busy. A chef starts off a 45,000 a year and could make up to $96,000, and on average they make about 75,000 a year. A chef works about 35-45 hours a week, and if you are a CEO or the owner of that particular restaurant I probably would be working twice those hours. I’m looking at a very time consuming life. In some field there is a little, or a big thing called benefits. If you are a CEO you get GREAT benefits. I’m talking insurance for everything, dental, eye doctor, regular doctor, and anything else you can get covered in they basically covered. When you are a CEO of anything there is a 70% travel rate, so you will always be on the go to a new place. An average workday is about 12-16 hours. Also to be a CEO you have to know staff development and leadership methods, because it is a requirement. To be a chef you have some benefits, but if you are a chef and a CEO it really doesn’t matter what your benefits are for being a chef, because you are pretty much covered in CEO part. The chef travel rate is about 20-40% and your work about 4 day a week and about 8-10 hours a day. Some requirement to be a chef you have to have Pastry and cooking styles and techniques, and some baking methods. Also you have to be physically fit and have to know how to work in 3-4 star restaurants. Being in this fields or fields, it is going to require a lot of work and time from me, but I know if I just stay focus and stay on top of my game, I can do it. And if I see that I might fall, well there is always a choice of having a helping hand, maybe like a partnership on the business side just to take some of the load off of my shoulders. Entering this field I know I want to make sure that this is really what I want to do. So I asked 2 people if they would like to share some of their tips on how they made it through school, and how long did it take them to get there. Now I really wasn’t able to interview strangers, so I interviewed some people that I already knew. The first person was my business professor, Dr. McNeil. He has the highest degree in business, but he isn’t the CEO of anything, but he did tell me how to survive in business school. What I learned from him is that you have to go into school know that there are a lot of people that you are competing against. There are people from all over the world that are trying to make it in the business industry, but you can’t let that knock you down. He told me when he was in business school it was very hard to get interviews, because it was always that one person that was better than him. But he said that didn’t stop him. He just knew that he had to work harder and smarter. When he went to Career fairs and tried to look for jobs, he didn’t just give his resume out nor just give his business card out. He sold himself and his personality to the other business owners and CEOs to get jobs and internship for more education in his field. Once he changed how he approached the people and how he talked to the people, he saw that more and more people where asking him to work for their companies. The other person I interviewed was my Culinary Teacher form high school, Mr. Chef Brown. He is indeed in the restaurant business, and I thought he would be the perfect person to tell me how to get there. He is a teacher and has a catering business on the side. My culinary teacher was right where I was in some years ago, in college and not sure what he wanted to do. He decided to go to culinary school, because he liked food. At first he wasn’t thinking about owning his own restaurant. He was there because he knew he was going to get to eat what he cooked. Talk about going in with the wrong state of mind. Once he was a year into his culinary college he noticed that he was learning way more than he expected to like learning all types of styles of cooking methods, and learning how to run and own his own business. That was an eye opener for him. It gave him an idea on what he wanted to do when he got out of school. What I got from his interview was when you going to choose your career, don’t just go in there because you like what they do. Go in there knowing what you are going to get out of and it and knowing what you are going to do when you are done. He points was also similar to my business professor, there is always going to be someone better than you. So work hard and smart, but mostly work smarter, and when you going to school know what you want to get out of it. Reverse Goal Setting When you are trying to get something accomplished you have to have a plan, or certain goals you want to meet. To be an CEO, get into entrepreneurship, or chef I have to have a plan, and I have to start now. Starting with my far far way plan, and that is to own my own business and be successful. To own my own business I have to go to business school, and because of the type of business I want to own, I have to go to culinary school. Which leads me to my next goal, the far away goal, and that is going to La Cordon bleu for the study of Culinary Arts and Baking a Pastry. My next goal is the one that is in distance, and that is going to grad school. It’s going to take some hard work to get there. But, to get there I have to work on my goal that is down there street which is finishing college. Some people don’t even make it through their freshman year of college. But I am going to make it my goal to get through my freshman year, and not just make through, I want to finish off with a 3.5 GPA. The only way I will be able to reach these goals is I have to make them believable to myself. Starting with my on the couch goal, finishing my freshman year with a 3.5 GPA. To make it realistic I really want to shoot for a 4.0 GPA but I know that isn’t possible coming from a 2.8 GPA, but I will still keep it in the back of my head for motivation, because I desire to get a 4.0. Now knowing that this is where I want to be, I am going to have to come up with a plan to get to my on the couch goal, and be able to make it to my far far away goal. I have to make it come to reality. This semester I want to finish my freshman year off with a bang, by bring my 2.8 up to a 3.5. I know I have to always go to class, study, and try to pass test and quizzes, and just really put effort in to all 7 classes that I have all this semester. I will need books, a computer, and a bible to help me get through this, because I know it will be a tough thing to do. If I put my mind to it I know I can do it. I don’t really think I would need money; it’s all about putting forth some effort. My rewards would be that I would become eligible to look for internships to help me get some practice in my field that I want to go into. I also can apply for scholarships to help pay for the rest of my way in college. If I start now, and start studying every night form 9-11pm and make sure that I get enough rest. I will make to my on the couch goal and my far far away goal. References Ellis-Christensen, Tricia, and O. Wallace. What Is a CEO? WiseGeek. Conjecture. Web. 09 Mar. 2012. Diploma, P. (2010). What kind of Degree Do You Need to Be a CEO? Retrieved from Phony Diploma : Oklahoma, T. U. (n.d.). The OU Price of College of Business. Retrieved Feb 24, 2012, from OU.EDU: School, C. B. (2011). GMAT (Graduate Mangament Admission Test) . Retrieved from GMATCAT.COM: SBA Direct. What Is an Entrepreneur? Web. 09 Mar. 2012.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Reason Not Religion :: essays papers
Reason Not Religion Observations and inferneces from real life perceptions: My entire life I have been a Catholic and have attended Church regularly with my family, always believing in God and the stories and tales of the Bible as pure fact that happened long ago, and of Jesus being the savior, etc. Just this past month I attended a Presbyterian church service with my elderly grandmother in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The church was small to begin with, and only about one-third of the seats were filled. I would have to say that at least 95% of the people were all over 65, with very few young couples at all. My grandma made a comment on the lack of young people who attend the masses now, and she kept referring to the fact that recently less and less young couples and families ever attended church. At first I thought that this church would then seriously have to close its doors when the current majority of the parishioners died, but then I realized another aspect of human behavior and psychology. The characteristic that I see and hear so much about that many humans tend to possess and practice, is the fact that they become "closer to "god"" the older they get. Why is this? It is because of one of the same big reasons that we even have to have religion in the first place: fear about death and what happens to us afterwards. These people seem to be turning to the kind of thinking that inspired the dichotic idea of PASCAL^S WAGER. Even if these people were not very religious during their younger years, we can now see a trend of a large section of our country^s population starting to attend church more and more and become more "religious" as they grow older. What inspires this shift?--plain and simple, the fear of uncertainty. "QUESTIONING" ONES BELIEFS MUST GO BEYOND JUST WONDERING When I used to attend Church regularly their was a priest who was an extremely good speaker and extremely intelligent. Even though he was a Catholic priest, serving as the pastor of an extremely large church, he had the courage and brains to disagree with some of the rigid dogma setup and enforced by the Vatican. I remember one sermon he gave that has greatly influenced me since, and I am very happy I was fortunate enough to hear it. In this certain sermon he talked about his thoughts on it being good for teenagers and youth to question the existence of a God in their world. He talked at length about this
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Television Quiz Show Scandals of the 1950s Essay -- TV Game Shows
An Examination of Television Quiz Show Scandals of the 1950s One of the greatest captivators of public interest in the 1950s was the emerging quiz game show on television. The public, naively trustful, fell in love with television game shows. People found them to be new, exciting, and similar to the captivating radio quiz shows so popular before television's advent. Some game shows were developed primarily for laughs, while others were played for prizes or large sums of money. These game shows were so popular that at their peak, twenty-two of them were concurrently on the air. They varied in format from the basic question and answer type to the naming of popular musical tunes. Public familiarity with the general structure of the quizzes, coupled with the strikingly high stakes, precipitated extreme interest in these shows, and led to the unbelievable popularity of successful returning contestants (Anderson, 9). Virtually everyone with a television set in their home tuned in weekly to their favorite game shows in the interest of seeing the cont estants, with whom they identified more and more as the weeks went by, succeed in the quiz games. The popularity of quiz games was staggering. In August of 1955 approximately 32 million television sets and 47,560,000 viewers, almost one third of the nation, tuned in to see The $64,000 Question (Anderson, 8). By 1958, no one was laughing anymore. Grabbing the attention of the public even more than the shows themselves were the scandals which emerged around them. The public's naive trust had evolved into suspicious cynicism because it had learned that many of the shows were rigged. As can be imagined, this caused great disgust among viewers. The supposed winners, for whom Americans had ro... ...rd University Press, 1994. "Remarks made during 'Quiz Show and the Future of Television'." Annenberg Washington Program. (3/11/97). "Quiz Show: Television Betrayals Past... and Present?" Annenberg Washington Program. (3/11/97). Stone, J. and T. Yohn. Prime Time and Misdemeanors: Investigating the 1950s TV Quiz Scandal -- A D.A.'s Account. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1992. "Television in the 1950s." (3/11/97). "Quiz Shows of the 1950s." (7/10/97 [added by PL]) "The Winning Answer." (3/11/97). Tuchman, Gaye. The TV Establishment: Programming for Power and Profit. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., l971.
Friday, October 11, 2019
British Judiciary
Does the composition of the Judiciary adequately represent British society today? The key purpose of this essay Is to explore and critically analyses the current composition of the British judiciary as it stands today. Using statistics, reports and articles this paper will attempt to illuminate the subject, and in turn, explain why the judiciary seems to be a force of older, white males, yet has an apparent absence of women and ethnic minorities amongst the higher positions of the courts system.To fully accomplish this objective there are a number of areas that this paper hopes to dress Insightfully and Informatively, the first of these being social perceptions of the Judiciary, and to explore If this has any Impact on Its makeup. Secondly, we will examine the education system before and after the 20th century. Here, we will look at changes, if any, that have been made to accommodate more of a diverse make up of judges. Lastly, we will look into discrimination, and if this plays any factor in the current Judiciary.Picture in your mind, a Judge in court. Almost everyone will have a similar Image; an older gentleman, most likely middle class In a flowing gown and a white wig upon his head. This stereotype seems to be almost Ingrained Into public consciousness, even to the point that the opening line on the governments judiciary diversity page reads: â€Å"A common description of a judicial office-holder is â€Å"pale and male†– a white man, probably educated at public school and Sobering. †[1] Is this a fair representation of British society today?A resounding â€Å"No†is the most likely answer. However, could It not also be a statement of the type of person applying to and climbing the ladders of the British legal system? One could argue that this reception almost immediately hinders people not of that typecast to even try to enter the legal field in fear of failure. Unfortunately, this is a much wider, and slightly off topic area that would need further study in order to obtain a veracious answer. When addressing education, we must look back, to history, in order to move forward.Prior to 1930, women were excluded from gaining degrees from two of the more prestigious universities, Oxford and Cambridge, and even needed special permission Just to attend lectures. This Is clearly a huge factor when addressing the question of why there Is a disparity between the Judiciary and the current make up of British society. A study in 2004 by the Sutton Trust[2] found that 81% of judges had attended either Oxford or Cambridge. When we take this into account, we see that it is a very esoteric selection that makes up the Judges of the English court system.Another factor to look at is the time it takes to ascend the ranks of the Judiciary. One possible argument Is that the current make up of Judges reflects upon those who were entering the legal field many years ago, when women and ethnic minorities may have men either disco uraged, or simply barred from entering higher education. Take for example the current Lord Chief Justice Baron Thomas of Complied. Baron Thomas was called to the bar in 1969, and after working his way up through the positions of the courts systems, was appointed Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales on 1 October 2013.What we can take from this information is that It does Indeed take an extraordinarily long time to ascend ranks In the English legal system. If we look back compared to today, we see that the number of female barristers has more than doubled. A study in 2010 by the Bar Council[3] showed 53% of all barristers in England are now female. If this trend continues; surely we will see a marked improvement in the makeup of the English Judiciary in years to come. When addressing possible discrimination, it is important to base arguments on facts and statistics, rather than conjecture, in order to draw a valid conclusion.A study by the Law Society shows that in the year 2005, à ¢â‚¬Å"Of the 9,665 students enrolled with the Society, 63. 5% were women and 25. 2% were from a minority ethnic group, compared with only 54% and 17. 2% respectively in 1994-95†³[4] What this tells us is that women ND ethnic minorities entering the legal field is on the rise, which is in stark contrast to the notion mentioned earlier that there is a clear absence. As we discussed earlier, the amount of time it takes to ascend through the court systems is lengthy and arduous.This coupled with the fact that white males were predominately applying for legal Jobs some forty or so years ago, perhaps shows that the higher courts are limited in the people they choose to appoint to the most senior roles. A study conducted in 2011 by the House of Lords Constitution Committee[5] showed that only 5. % of Judges were Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, and 22. 3% were women. Again, does this show a lack of diversity in the courts, or simply positive changes brought forward by changing social standards?To really address this issue, one would have to re-evaluate the court structure in another fifteen to twenty years to assess whether or not women and ethnic minorities are in more prominent positions at that time. To encapsulate, I would simply say from the research I have conducted, that there is a very narrow spectrum for the Judiciary to promote from. Given that we already have nee female Judge in the Supreme Court, this to me shows that women are making it into the higher positions of the court system.Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be happening quickly enough, with recommendations to increase diversity including statements such as: â€Å"While appointment based on merit is vital and should continue, the committee supports the application Offs 159 of the Equalities Act 2010 to Judicial appointments. This would allow the desire to encourage diversity to be a relevant factor†[6]. I would argue however, that diversity for the sake of diversity itself is not me eting that should be forced, especially when dealing with something as important as a countries legal infrastructure.Whilst I agree that there perhaps should be a more diverse range of people in the English Judiciary, I must stress that this is something I feel should be allowed to happen naturally, at its own course. When looking at statistics for female and ethnic minorities, we have seen a sharp rise in the range of individuals entering and being promoted through the legal hierarchy. This surely speaks for itself, and any promotions or appointments made based upon raying to create diversity could, in my opinion, be a recipe for disaster.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Aristotle’s Ten Categories
The ten Categories of Aristotle are derived from Aristotle’s Organon (Evans) and are classifications of individual words (as opposed to propositions) They consist of substance, quantity, quality, relation, place, time, situation, condition, action, and passion (Robin, 2004). Of the ten categories, Substance (ouisa) is consistently considered to be the most important as it is the fundamental element of all living things. Each individual thing has its own substance that is unique to that thing and does not belong to any other individual thing. Substance exists in two forms; Primary Substance and Secondary Substance. Primary Substances are absolute, concrete individual things that can exist in isolation to other things. Aristotle specified elements such as air, water and earth as primary categories because they are entirely independent of other beings. Secondary Substances are essentially properties of the primary substances and therefore cannot exist in their own right (Smith, Robin, 2004). Aristotle specified that whilst primary substances were restricted to genus, secondary substances were restricted to the individual species to which they belonged, â€Å"'man' is predicated of the individual man; but ‘animal' is predicated of ‘man'; it will, therefore, be predicable of the individual man also: for the individual man is both ‘man' and ‘animal'. †(Edghill, 2000). The remaining nine categories are utilized to help define and determine the details of the substance and what it is similar to and much of Aristotle's discussion of these categories concerned the way the categories are used in language. The second of Aristotle’s categories is Quantity, which as per the conventional meaning of this word, refers to the physical size of something. Quantity can be measured by numbers, weight, volume, area etc and thus the category is intended as a means by which substance can be measured and interpreted relative to one another. Quality is related to the inherent nature of something, that is its attributes or characteristics. Quality aspects generally cannot be described mathematically. Descriptive words such as â€Å"white†, â€Å"fat†, â€Å"larger†etc. ould generally characterize the quality aspect of the categories. Relation concerns the way in which one thing is related to another. This relationship could be a cause and effect relationship, a physical relationship or an equivalent relationship. The next category is Place. This refers to the physical location of an object or thing in its environment. Following this is Time. This category is concerned with a thing’s position with regards to the passage of time in the conventional sense or in relation to other events. The seventh category, Position, addresses the relative position parts of an object in relation to each other or the position of one object in relation to other objects. State is similar to quality but is concerned with the ongoing nature of an object as opposed to the inherent nature. So, for example, â€Å"easy going†would be classified as a quality whilst â€Å"depressed†would be classified as a state. The ninth category, Action, refers to the way in which a change to one object could impact another object or thing. Conversely, the tenth category, Passion or Affection, is concerned with the reception of a change and relates to the alteration that something else has on the object. Aristotle’s theory states that every single part of a sentence will fall into one of these categories. An example of a sentence that uses them all is as follows: â€Å" The naughty (quality), lone (quantity) boy (substance) crouched (position) beside his sister (relation) in their playroom (place) one afternoon (time), happy (affection) and content (state) as he stole her toys (action). â€
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