Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Culture In The Age Of Money. An analysis of the book culture In The Age Of Money written by Nicolaus Mills.
Culture In The Age Of Money. An analysis of the book culture In The Age Of Money written by Nicolaus Mills. In the book Culture in an age of Money, the author Nicolaus Mills labels our recent cultural history as "the culture of triumph" In describing its persistence, Mills suggests that, "while the victories of the culture of triumph have been frequent, they have been largely hollow." The author looks at the commercialization of our society in such diverse areas as materialistic things, politics and opinions."Nancy Regan wanted new china for the White House. The cost of the china was the problem. The Lenox pattern with a raised gold presidential seal in the center that the president's wife chose came to $209,508 for 220 place settings. At a time when her husband was talking about cutting welfare eligibility and the misery index (inflation plus unemployment) was over 20 percent,... the 1980's would be a culture based on triumph-on the admiration of power and status- and nothing would be more important to the culture than its symbols...newUnited Stateschina would be a start in the right dire ction... Ronald Regan declared. In the 1980's his America would not look or act like a weakling nation. The president and his guests would eat off china that proclaimed, "The era of self-doubt is over". (Mills pg.11-12)Ronald Regan and his administration thought that the America they had inherited was in shock from a decade of humiliation. We had lost the longest war, a president had to resign in disgrace and the economy was shot. In what better way's to rebuild a Country and its trust in people, then with the purchase of new china for the White House and its guests. I think Ronald Regan had his priorities a little mixed up wanting to reduce welfare eligibility while purchasing new china as an excuse that we are headed in the right direction. I also...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
An instrument That Drives Society
An instrument That Drives Society An instrument That Drives SocietyTechnology over the decade has essentially influenced society. Technology is an instrument of exercise and maintaining a source of power. It is used to enhance symbolic and material position. This is shaped through the ideologies of technology. Ideology is the set of values and beliefs shared by members of a group, culture and nationality. Some of the dominant ideologies that have structured the discourse of technology are measured in determinism, efficiency and technological progress.Technological determinism is a theory that views technology as the principle that drives the development of its cultural values and social structures. It is based on two hypotheses; the technical base of a society is the fundamental condition affecting all patterns of social existence and technological change is the single most important source of change in society. The television was invented as a result of scientific research and development. Its power as a medium of n ews and entertainment has altered all proceeding medias, along with institutions and forms of social relationships.IIT KanpurAccording to Williams (2003) "new technologies are discovered, by essentially internal process of research and development, which sets the conditions for social change and progress" (p. 5); this implicates research and development as self-generating. Williams stated that the invention of television have been incentive and responses within a phase of social evolution. This idea states that the discovery of new technology results in society changing to adapt to a particular technology.Change in technology is equated to new forms of technology; this is known as technological progress. Progress refers to moving forward towards a goal or an endpoint. This typically involves community, leisure, health, wealth, harmony and other values. Progress is associated with two different types of goals; material and moral betterment. This is linked to key values of the...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ethical Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Ethical Energy - Essay Example This paper stresses that energy has always been the scarcest of resources. The world countries have always been on the effort of energy generation to suit the ever increasing demand for energy. Though nations have plethora of options available for energy creation, one needs to look at availability of resources with them to produce energy at the most economical way and more necessarily, the eco friendly way. This case analyses the energy options for an African country, Belina more specifically at renewable energy options which is the need of the hour. This report makes a conclusion that after having understood the infrastructural, geographical, economical and political conditions in Africa it gives us a feeling that the government is willing to take steps in attracting foreign direct investments in RETs as it is helpful to them in more than one ways. More progressive steps need to be taken in the area of RETs and conventional methods can be considered only as a last resort. RETs are labour intensive hence would generate employment opportunities even to illiterates. Belina’s uneducated or school educated population would be the biggest beneficiary if such proposals are undertaken rather than conventional methods which benefit only the literates. More than all, RETs offer a safe, clean and eco friendly system of power generation which addresses issues like green house gas emissions and can be advantageous especially when developed nations started carbon trading more seriously.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) - Essay Example Clinical Decision Support Systems are "active knowledge systems which use two or more items of patient data to generate case-specific advice" (Wyatt J, Spiegelhalter D, 1991). Some successful systems such as 'Dxplain' and 'QMR' originating in the 1980s were successfully commercialized. There are compelling evidences for the effectiveness of CDSS for improved patient safety and improved quality of care. CDSS has been portrayed in a positive light by majority of reviews. The basic components of a CDSS include a medical knowledge base and an inference mechanism. It could be based on Expert systems or artificial neural networks or both. The computing techniques that are used to create CDSS are divided in two broad categories: For a clinically useful CDSS, the knowledge system should be based on best evidence and it should fully cover the problem. Also, it requires the capability to update the knowledge base. The system should be easy to use and its performance should be validated rigorously. A medical practitioner needs to deal with different kinds of data and knowledge and no single DSS model has the ability to manage all of them. In any advanced DSS model, data and knowledge are complementary; both are useful to take an appropriate decision in a complex domain like medicine. Due to heavy investme
Sunday, November 17, 2019
ExxonMobil Oil Essay Example for Free
ExxonMobil Oil Essay As far as my knowledge of anthropology is concerned ExxonMobil Oil must have great empathy for Gwichin, which I think they have but they are not showing it properly to Gwichin. Tundra is home town or village of Gwichin and they must be scared of such activities because they are unaware of the consequences of drilling and seismic exploration, etc. There is lack of communication between ExxonMobil and Gwichin and other personnel who hold the authority to give permission to drill or explore oil. Gwichin think that ExxonMobil oil does not bother for their rights, they have to do what they want to do independent of our satisfaction. Gwichin thinks that these people have already made their minds and they don not want to listen to us. ExxonMobil Oil must send delegations to Gwichin to hold negotiations with Gwichin and make them aware about the technology and modern ways of drilling and exploration. They must tell Gwichin that although these activities are harmful to environment to some extent but modern technology has reduced this harm to minimum. In fact positive changes after drilling and production of oil will be great as compared to the negative impacts and Gwichin must be made well aware by each of those positive impacts. ExxonMobil Oil must keep in mind that it would be very difficult for Gwichin to agree to their points very quickly because Gwichins are adapted to this type of environment for several years and any sudden change to their environment and change about which Gwichin does not know completely would not be welcomed very easily. ExxonMobil Oil must show empathy which they posses for Gwichin and for that they would have to strive very hard. Gwichin must also be told that, in petroleum activities such as drilling, exploration, etc foremost importance is given to environment, health and safety. It must be told that no waste is directly exposed to the environment which harmful for the environment without treating. Gwichin must be told that there will not be any disturbance directly to the environment for a very long time. At the time of commencing of any drilling or exploration activity there will be bit of problem but later hurdles will only be in the form of pipelines and small stations, which could be designed in such a way causing minimum or no harm to the environment or to the wildlife residing in the land of tundra. ExxonMobil Oil must emphasis on the benefits rather then adversities which Gwichin will enjoy after the exploration and production of oil. Gwichin must also be included in the advisory committee of development of this field for their satisfaction and performing the activity in better way from Gwichin point of view. Gwichin must be told that although there will be bit of change but that change is beneficial for these people in great number of ways. For example if drilling, exploration or other such activity takes place then this could be an easy source of income for the Gwichin as compared to old livelihood. ExxonMobil must be determined to compel these people and must remember that if there is a will there is always a way. ExxonMobil can also use personnel from other tribe which agreed to the drilling and exploration activity in their as part of their delegations. On the other hand Gwichin must also compromise. Gwichin must listen to their proposals, in fact Gwichin must also propose a plan because these people are better aware of the environment and they can point out subtleties which others will not even know and can also point out their better remedy. ExxonMobil Oil and Gwichin both must join their heads together to make such a plan which cause minimum damage to the environment, to tundra land, to the wildlife living there and finally to the Gwichins. REFERENCES 1. Anthropology by Robert Ranulph Marett
Friday, November 15, 2019
Music, Technology and Society :: Music Technology Society
Music and the relationships of music have changed drastically in our society. The course of studies and the evaluations of the applications of the technology of music, the making and the listening of music have changed in the way we listen to music, the styles of music in our society and in the media. The importance of the technology in music today, has, over the past century been charted through the study of musical examples and through viewing how human values are reflected in this century's timely music. There are very many different types of music that are listened to. There are readings, writings, lectures and discussions on all the different types of music. Music is found in every know culture, past and present. It is also, already being composed for the future. It is widely varied between all times and places. Since scientists believe that the modern humans arrived in the African culture more than 160,000 years ago, around 50,000 years ago, it is believed that the dispersal of music has been being developed between all cultures in the world. Even the most isolated tribal groups are thought to have had a form of music. It has been scientists' belief that music must have been present in the ancestral population prior to the dispersal of humans around the world. Therefore it is believed that music must have been in existence for at least 50,000 years, with the first music being invented in Africa and then evolving into becoming a fundamental constituent of human life. Any culture of music is influenced by the aspect of their culture, including their social and economic organization, climate, and access to technology. People express their emotions and ideas through their music. Music expresses the situations and how music is listened to and played. The attitude towards music players and composers varies between regions and periods of history. Music history" is the distinct subfield of musicology and history which studies music (particularly western art music) from a chronological perspective. ("History of Music") The first music era know to man was the "Prehistoric Music." This was quite possibly influenced by birds singing and other animal sounds as they were communicating with each other. It was developed with the backdrop of natural sounds. Some evolutionary biologists have theorized that the ability to recognize sounds not created by humans as "musical" provides a selective advantage.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ethical Reflection Paper Essay
Take the Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace assessments to assess your values. Write a paper of no more than 700 words in which you do the following: Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan, considering stakeholder needs. Explain how your ethical perspective has evolved throughout the program. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. General Questions – General General Questions STR 581 Week 1-6 Everything Included (All Assignments, All DQ’s) + 6 sets of Finals Version 4 Strategic Planning Implementation If you do well in a subject, use your skill to earn money! Tutoring fellow students and others in the community can end up paying pretty well. Advertise what you can teach on bulletin boards around your dorm on in your student center. Many tutors also find it helpful to advertise online. This paperwork comprises STR 581 Week 1 Assignment – Ethical Reflection Paper Take the Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace assessments to assess your values. Write a paper of no more than 700 words in which you do the following: Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan, considering stakeholder needs. Explain how your ethical perspective has evolved throughout the program. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. General Questions – General General Questions STR 581 Week 1-6 Everything Included (All Assignments, All DQ’s) + 6 sets of Finals Version 4 Strategic Planning Implementation †¦ Get complete A+ tutorial here – If you do well in a subject, use your skill to earn money! Tutoring fellow students and others in the community can end up paying pretty well. Advertise what you can teach on bulletin boards around your dorm on in your student center. Many tutors also find it helpful to advertise online. General Questions – General General Questions STR 581 Week 1-6 Everything Included (All Assignments, All DQ’s) + 6 sets of Finals Version 4 Strategic Planning Implementation
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Comparison Between Twelfth Night and the Rivals
Final Paper A0981150 Compare Twelfth Night with The Rivals, both of them are comedies evolving around several couples. The two plays contain the device of disguise and mistaken identity. In Twelfth Night, Viola disguises herself as Cesario, which attracts Orsino and Olivia; while in The Rivals, Jack Absolute disguises himself as Ensign Beverley, who fascinates Lydia. Speaking of similarities, both the disguises lead to the characters’ affairs, and they are proved to be true love at the end of the plays.On the other hand, as for differences, in Twelfth Night, Viola disguises herself as a man, and that results in her complex situation, a love triangle. Instead, in The Rivals, Jack takes the disguise as an ensign, which does not alter his real gender as a man; therefore, his situation is purer, that is, earning Lydia’s heart only and not drawing other admirer. Both the plays mention the communication of mails. In Twelfth Night, Maria writes letters to Malvolio, which purpo rts to be from Olivia.The function of letters in this play is to trick Malvolio, who is such a fool that believes the countess Olivia, a woman of a higher rank than his, would fall in love with him. In The Rivals, the function of letters is simpler, that is, Jack writes to Lydia to court her under the mistaken identity of a poor Ensign in order to win her affection or some other sentiment. In The Rivals, Jack Absolute’s line â€Å"Pho! man, is not music the food of love? is an allusion to Twelfth Night. In the beginning of Twelfth Night, Orsino says â€Å"If music be the food of love, play on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ Nevertheless, these two characters utter such statement in very different situations. Orsino, at that time, is melancholic and insanely in love, by contrast, Jack says his line when his friend, Faulkland, is getting crazy since his lover’s merriment during his absence irritates him. Thus Jack plays the role of a calm, reasonable, and comforting friend.Compar e the situations the two characters Orsino and Jack are in, their state of mind is completely different. The former stands for sentimental emotion, while the latter represents rationality. The two plays also involve the same element, duel. In Twelfth Night, Sir Andrew demands a duel with Cesario in order to have Olivia as lover. In The Rivals, encouraged by Sir Lucius, Acres writes a challenge note to â€Å"Beverley†to a duel.However, these two fights are in vain, the disturbers cannot achieve their goals to win the girls they want. These plots seem unimportant, but the duels actually help the meant-to-be couples to assure themselves that they have chosen the suitable ones for love and marriage. On account of the duels, the couples either reunite or get to know each other’s true identity. Generally speaking, the duels add much entertainment to the plays. Most important of all, they elicit the happy endings.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Equality and Liberty in Society essays
Equality and Liberty in Society essays Attempts by the government to promote more equality end up lessening our freedoms enjoyed. The United States government was created as a republic by our founding fathers who adopted a Bill of Rights in hopes to ensure our natural born freedoms. As stated in the constitution of the United States, all men are created equal; in reality are all men essentially created equal? I would have to disagree. All men are only born with equal capabilities. There are always some individuals that have a better advantage, resulting from either tradition, custom, heredity, money or authority. Equality and liberty go hand in hand; one always affects the other. Equality is defined by Websters Dictionary as the quality or state of being equal in nature or status; having the same rights or privileges. In a democratic society like ours equality is hard to balance. Inequalities are inevitable, whether they are physical, health, emotional, intelligence, or psychological they occur. In every nation around the world there is a hierarchy of wealth, and status and power that creates a division of social classes. For example, if you live in a wealthy community and you are from a poor family, you will be constantly comparing yourself to them. You will probably most definitely never be as fortunate as the wealthy. Although if you lived in a community of poverty and you were just poor, you would probably be considered the more fortunate one. Thus creating a natural inequality because of the standards one desires to exceed. This just goes to prove that two individuals never grow up with in the same circumstances. Hierarchical organizations dominate economic life in the industrial nations around the world. Society has drawn fine lines dividing social classes, proving we are unequal. It is a fact that in the United States today, one percent of the population holds ninety nine percent of the wealth. The wealth that these individuals obta...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Objective Case in English
Objective Case in English In English grammar, objective case is the case of a pronoun when it functions as one of the following: the direct or indirect object of a verb or verbalthe object of a prepositionthe subject of an infinitivean appositive to an object The objective (or accusative) forms of English pronouns are me, us, you, him, her, it, them, whom and whomever. (Note that you and it have the same forms in the subjective case.) The objective case is also known as the accusative case. Examples of Objective Case This land is your land, this land is my land,From California to the New York island;From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters,This land was made for you and me.(Woody Guthrie, This Land Is Your Land, 1940)Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. . . .(Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus, 1883)Please dont eat me. I have a wife and kids. Eat them.(Homer Simpson, The Simpsons)And I think both the left and the right should celebrate people who have different opinions, and disagree with them, and argue with them, and differ with them, but dont just try to shut them up.(Roger Ebert)The listeners decide whether they like us, believe us, trust us, and perceive whether we are secure in ourselves and confident in what we are saying.(Kevin Daley and Laura Daley-Caravella, Talk Your Way to the Top, 2004)I cant liveWith or without you.(U2, With or Without You. The Joshua Tree, 1987)She rushed across the room at him, thick legs pumping, knees flexing, elbows c hopping back and forth in the stale sickroom air like pistons.(Stephen King, Misery, 1987) Cousin Matthew talked with his wife for a time about what had happened to him and to her during his absence.(Sarah Orne Jewett, Lady Ferry)To survive in this world, we hold close to us those people on whom we depend. We trust in them our hopes, our fears.(Mohinder Suresh, Heroes, 2008)The man for whom time stretches out painfully is one waiting in vain, disappointed at not finding tomorrow already continuing yesterday.(Theodor Adorno, Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life. Translation published by New Left Books, 1974)The strongest influences in my life and my work are always whomever I love. Whomever I love and am with most of the time, or whomever I remember most vividly. I think thats true of everyone, dont you?(Tennessee Williams, interview with Joanne Stang. The New York Times, March 28, 1965) Correction Mr. Cameron’s first visit to Washington as prime minister was meant as a way for he and Mr. Obama to tackle a series of issues vital to the two countries, in particular the war in Afghanistan and steps toward a global economic recovery.As many readers were quick to point out, this should be for him and Mr. Obama to tackle. (The subject of an infinitive in a construction like this is actually in the objective, or accusative, case: I want him to go, not I want he to go.)(Philip B. Corbett, Everything Old Is Hip Again. The New York Times, Sep. 7, 2010) A Handful of Pronouns In Present-day English the contrast between nominative [subjective] and accusative [objective] is found with only a handful of pronouns. At earlier stages of the language the contrast applied to the whole class of nouns but the inflectional distinction has been lost except for these few pronouns.(Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, 2002) The Lighter Side of the Objective Case: The Death of Me I have been planning a piece on personal pronouns and the death of the accusative. Nobody says, I gave it to they, but me is almost dead, and I have heard its dying screams from Bermuda to Columbus: He gave it to Janey and I.(James Thurber, letter to literary critic Lewis Gannett. Selected Letters of James Thurber, ed. by Helen Thurber and Edward Weeks. Little, Brown, 1981)Cheers,†she said as I left, â€Å"and dont forget youre seeing Matt and I on Monday.I thought for a moment shed said matineye, an East End pronunciation of matinee. Was I meant to review it?Then I remembered Matt was the production editor.Me wont forget, me muttered as me went downstairs.(Sebastian Faulks, Engleby. Doubleday, 2007)Excuse me, he said, but is any of you gentlemen named- he stared at the envelope- Gervase Fen?Me, said Fen ungrammatically.(Edmund Crispin [Bruce Montgomery], Holy Disorders, 1945) Pronunciation: ob-JEK-tiv case
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Two week Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Two week Journal - Assignment Example I hope I can keep my resolution though. The anniversary of 9/11 got me thinking about the events. What a terrible day it was not only for us Americans but for everyone in the world! Nobody had heard of an attack on civilians of this magnitude. I remember how all of us were stunned and how I could not really think straight for quite a while to come. I can still not make sense of all that happened then. How can someone punish innocent people and on such a massive scale? That is a thought I cannot get my mind wrapped around. The anger is still here, though I do believe that a lot of crimes were committed due to this hatred, against Muslims who were our own countrymen. I believe all of us should still be angry, but we should not lose our minds. Retribution, if we ever do get it, should come from those who committed that crime against us, and not from our own countrymen, or other innocent people, who happen to share the faith of the criminals. I tried to define love to myself; a futile exercise I know, because there is no definite answer to the question ‘what is love?’. If I love someone, is it because I love who they are or because I love being around them a lot? Maybe it is a bit of both. You love not only who the person is, but also the feeling their presence engenders in you. But then there are times when you really like the way a person is based on his qualities, but you really do not like to be around them. So then maybe it is more of how that person makes you feel than who that person is. In a way it is like loving chocolate, you do not really love the physical attributes of chocolate, but its taste. I know there is no one answer to this age old question, yet I really am thinking along these lines these days. I guess I just want to fall in love and experience it for myself to really know what it entails. The person sitting next to my in my psychology class once asked me
Friday, November 1, 2019
Metaphors We Live By George Lakoff and Mark Johnson Essay
Metaphors We Live By George Lakoff and Mark Johnson - Essay Example The book has been most illuminating in its exposition of role of linguistic in the life of man. The various aspect of human life incorporates ideas and concepts that are instinctively used in relation to our interaction with other people. Arguments, love, work paradigm etc are intrinsic part of life and social construction on these areas by different people varies vastly. Indeed, arguments are often perceived and compared to war primarily because they are designed to be won over by one party! Arguments are war and ideas are indefensible show that words like war and indefensible are used to convey strong feelings of competition and winning. The authors justifiably argue that while people in general are against war but the very concept of winning is ingrained within human psyche that is expressed through words. We are often prone to use language that best conform to our mental state at that time. If we are agitated or angry, we use words that may convey violence! The book has delved in to the wider implication and role of linguistic in the daily life of man. It has confirmed that communication is an important medium of expressing and explaining facts through words that could convey many things and therefore is used colloquially to emphasize a point of view.
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